Scarlet Witch #9
Marvel Comics
Written by Steve Orlando
Art by Jacopo Camagni
Colors by Frank William
Letters by Ariana Maher
The Rundown: Wanda investigates a break in and discovers a familiar face.

Wanda is trying to find a bit of peace when the alarms of her highly secured magical vault go off. Teaming with Amaranth, the pair make their way into the vault only to discover that Felicia Hardy aka The Black Cat is already there and holding an item filled with dangerous power.
When negotiations with the thief fail, Amaranth tries to intervene, but her magic causes something dark to rise in Felicia and Wanda must work to free Black Cat from her darker impulses. At the same time, Amaranth discovers something in the vault that can alter the very laws of nature.
The Story: Orlando creates a fun, entertaining and often thrilling story. I like seeing Black Cat used in a manner that showcases how clever she can be and this issue does that with style. I like seeing Wanda on the backfoot a little and the story does a great job of grounding the fantastical elements of the story and the world it takes place in. There are some great moments between Wanda and Felicia and the buildup of suspense teases something I want to see explored in the next issue.
The Art: Camagni delivers fantastic art throughout the issue. I love the visual style and how thrilling the imagery was on every page. A great looking issue from start to finish.