Savage Dragon #274
Image Comics
Written by Erik Larsen
Art by Erik Larsen
Colors by Nikos Koutsis and Mike Toris
Letters by Jack Morelli
The Rundown: Angel travels to Dimension X to search for her husband with Glum hot on her tail.

Searching for her husband, Angel enters Dimension X and immediately finds herself attacked by the creatures who live there. She finds herself getting saved by Glum who is inhabiting the body of her body Frank before the pair crash land on Glum World. Frank, in the body of Glum and little Angel arrive and Frank becomes prepared to end Glum once for all if he doesn’t recreate the device that switched their minds in the first place.
As the Angel’s fight among themselves about where Frank belongs, Glum creates a device. Unfortunately, the device is designed to give him the power to control the universe and he triggers it forcing Angel and Frank to have to find a way to prevent him from leaving Dimension X.
The Story: Larsen crafts a fun and funny story throughout the issue. I continue to enjoy the dark adult humor in this series and the scene with Frank and the dimension monsters made me laugh out loud. There are some great moments with Frank in this issue and the story has a great buildup of suspense before turning into a thrilling cliffhanger that makes me eager to see what happens next.
The Art: Larsen delivers some great art in the issue. There are some fun and beautifully detailed visuals throughout as the story moves brilliantly from moment to moment.