Savage Dragon #266
Image Comics
Written by Erik Larsen
Art by Erik Larsen
Colors by Nikos Koutsis and Mike Toris
Letters by Jack Morelli
The Rundown: Malcolm and Maxine visit San Francisco as they decide whether or not to come back to the States.

Malcolm is still deciding whether or not to take the offer of being part of a super team in San Francisco and he and Maxine decide to pay a visit to the city while Paul watches the kids who don’t want to go. As he continues to make his decision, he reaches out to friends and family to see if they want to come with them.
After paying a visit to the city and learning some of the hard truths about living in San Francisco, Malcolm and Maxine returns and pack up the kids to bring them along. When they arrive, they get a dose of reality when they go often the beaten path and see the dark side of the city.
The Story: Larsen crafts an entertaining story in this issue and uses it as a way to not only give Malcolm and family an emotional arc, but also to highlight some very real issues in the states regarding poverty. The story looks at those issues with a tone that isn’t preachy, it simply highlights a reality that isn’t discussed often. I also really enjoy the realness of the conversations with the kids and how Malcolm does take their feelings into account before telling them the reality. It will be interesting to see how the Dragon family fares back in the states.
The Art: Larsen’s art is great and does a wonderful job of creating a sense of space, environment and scope. The city scenes look amazing and the final page has some harsh visual reality to it.