Robin & Batman #2
DC Comics
Written by Jeff Lemire
Art by Dustin Nguyen
Colors by Dustin Nguyen
Letters by Steve Wands
The Rundown: Robin celebrates an unusual birthday while Croc continues to hunt him.

Dick Grayson continues to write down his thoughts as the reality of his new life continues to set in. A reality that he needs to face as he tries to juggle his night time activities with the demands of being a student. After being called to the school to deal with Dick’s behavior, Alfred and Dick have a heart to heart before returning to the batcave. Bruce decides to take Dick with him somewhere special for his birthday, the Watchtower.
After meeting with the Justice League, a star struck Robin is introduced to his fellow young heroes who are anxious to join a League mission after being prompted by Roy. After sneaking out, the heroes take on several missions to prove themselves. In the aftermath, Batman and Robin return home and Alfred discovers the true nature of their mission. At the same time, Killer Croc continues his hunt for Dick Grayson and gets another step closer.
The Story: Lemire crafts an entertaining and interesting story in this issue. The dynamic between Bruce and Dick continues to be interesting, but the dynamics between both characters and Alfred is compelling. I like the interactions both characters have with him and his reproach of Bruce is really well done. I like the way the story progresses and was intrigued and pleasantly surprised by the twists in the plot.
The Art: Nguyen delivers some fantastic visuals throughout the issue. The art is beautifully done and it fits the story, its tone and themes perfectly.