Robin #9
DC Comics
Written by Joshua Williamson
Pencils by Roger Cruz
Inks by Norm Rapmund
Colors by Luis Guerrero
Letters by ALW’s Troy Peteri
The Rundown: Robin and the other participants in the Lazarus Tournament must face-off against and powerful enemy.

Mother Soul expresses her disappointment in Robin and explains the role of the tournament’s champion and competitors. Then, Robin confronts the Lazarus demon. Afterwards, he is given advice from someone special and learns a valuable lesson. Next, he makes a very mature decision that yields surprising results. Finally, Robin finds himself in an unusual situation.
The Story: I really enjoyed this chapter. Williamson does an excellent job in showing Damian Wayne’s character growth. For the first time, he is confronted with an obstacle that is truly beyond his abilities. And it is heartening to see the way he responds to the guidance of his loved ones, even if it is only through his interpretation of their wisdom. It shows that no matter how stubborn and arrogant Damian behaves, he is willing and open to become the best version of himself. Also, the cliff hanger ending left me speechless. It was not only unexpected but filled with potential. I am curious to see how this new part of the tale will unfold.
The Art: The illustration in this edition is both eye-catching and engaging. The attention to detail and brilliant color work are transportive, while the focus on expression and form are sure to provide the reader with a deeper emotional connection to the characters.