Robin #6
DC Comics
Written by Joshua Willamson
Art by Gleb Melnikov
Colors by Luis Guerrero
Letters by ALW’s Troy Peteri
The Rundown: Robin fights in the Lazarus Tournament and later gathers with a group of competitors who question the event’s purpose.

Robin speeds through two rounds taking on Blue Shrike and Tengu. He then watches Flatline’s battle and later the two have an interesting conversation. Soon, they are joined by several of their fellow competitors. Later, Round 3 commences and Robin sets an unexpected plan in motion.
The Story: This action packed chapter not only sets up an unexpected alliance, it shows the growth of Damian Wayne’s character. Instead of doggedly chasing his own purpose, he uses the lessons learned from his family to enact a less conspicuous design. He also grows closer to an unexpected companion. I am enjoying watching Damian mature and I hope this enlightenment continues on in future episodes. I am also curious to find out Mother Soul’s secret. I can’t wait for the next chapter in this saga.
The Art: This is a good looking edition with lots of fun action sequences. The youthful design and bright colors do an excellent job setting the tone of the story. The attention to detail and emphasis on characters are engaging. I found myself transported with the turn o f each page.