Robin #13
DC Comics
Written by Joshua Williamson
Art by Roger Cruz
Inks by Norm Rapmund
Colors by Luis Guerrero
Letters by Troy Peteri
The Rundown: Robin learns Respawn’s true identity then later reconnects with his father.

The chapter opens with Robin and Ravager battling Respawn and Deathstroke. After an escape attempt, the father an son duo are questioned about their involvement with Ras Al Ghul. This leads to a surprising reveal that brings more conflict. Soon, Batman arrives on the scene and Deathstroke receives a shocking call that ends in tragedy. Afterwards, Deathstroke makes a successful escape attempt. Finally, Batman and Robin discuss their future plans.
The Story: This chapter acts as part four of the Shadow Wars crossover. While readers unfamiliar to the event will be able to follow along with the story, this issue may feel more like a stand alone story than part of a broader arc. I like how this narrative parallel’s two father-son relationships and gives depth to the previous conflict between Robin and Respawn. I am also interested in the development between Bruce and Damian Wayne. Robin’s time on Lazarus Island has been impactful and I look forward to finding out how this may change his relationship with his father.
The Art: This art in this issue uses a modern comic book styling. The drawings are extremely detailed and place emphasis on character expression and form. There are some interesting action scenes that are well crafted and elicit an emotional responsiveness. Overall, I found this illustrations very transportive.