Rise of the Powers of X #3
Marvel Comics
Written by Kieron Gillen
Art by R.B. Silva
Colors by David Curiel
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: Xavier decides on a dark path, but is it really his decision?

Moira is contacted by Enigma who makes her an enticing offer to become unique among its design for the future. A future that will put it squarely in control with life being its pawns. Moira must decide on what that means for her going forward when she decides to take it up on its offer.
In the past, young Moira knows that this is the day her powers manifest and she plans to use them to unite mutants. Unfortunately, she doesn’t realize that the battle hardened and dark Charles Xavier is there waiting for her with one mission, to kill her.
The Story: Gillen raises the tension throughout this issue. While the story is entertaining and continues some great suspense, the premise is starting to overshadow the characters a lot. It’s becoming more about the ideas than the characters and while I enjoy the huge steps its taking conceptually, I’m finding it harder to care about these characters and their motivations at all.
The Art: Silva’s art is exceptional. Not only are their visual moments of beauty throughout, but the action is stunning and bolstered by the colors of Curiel.