Fans of Star Trek: Discovery on CBS All Access were introduced to a new take on the classic Star Trek villain Harcourt Fenton “Harry” Mudd by The Office star Rainn Wilson. Now it looks like fans will be getting more of Wilson’s Mudd soon.
In a recent Tweet, Wilson announced “Guess Whose Back?” on his feed along with a picture of himself and two Trek actors. Along with the pic, Wilson states that there will be some sort of announcement this Thursday from Star Trek.
Guess who’s back!? (Ok, I’ll tell you.) #HarryMudd Big announcement on Thursday from @StarTrekCBS!
— RainnWilson (@rainnwilson) September 16, 2018
Mudd did make multiple appearances during the inaugural season of Discovery, but there is speculation that this announcement might be about a series of Discovery shorts coming to All Access titled Star Trek: Short Treks which will feature 10 minute shorts about Discovery characters including Doug Jones’ Saru and Mary Weisman’s Ensign Tilly.
Star Trek Discovery’s second season is set to debut early 2019.