Radiant Black #4
Image Comics
Written by Kyle Higgins
Art by Marcelo Costa
Colors by Rod Fernandes
Letters by Becca Carey
The Rundown: Nathan finally decides to take being a superhero seriously and that means getting in some training.

Nathan’s night are starting to be plagued by dreams that have a direct connection to the powers he now has. In them he begins to understand the entity that is connected to him and decides that he needs to do more with the power that he possesses. That means calling up Marshall and going out into the woods and starting to train in order to understand his abilities. Marshall knows that he can push his friend harder so he attempts to connect Nathan with his own emotions and the results are unexpected.
In the dream world, as Nathan and the entity continue to bond and understand each other, Nathan learns of the impending war he must choose to take a side in. A war that might require him to make the ultimate decision for any hero. When Nathan’s nemesis tracks him to his hometown, the two begin to battle and something changes for both Nathan and the power inside him.
The Story: Higgins takes this story is some unexpected directions and those direction are not only exciting but intriguing. There is a huge shift in this story and the way Higgins subverts expectations within the issue is exciting. There is a lot of great action in the story and the evolution of Nathan as a character was well done. The cliffhanger at the end changes everything about the story and what led up to it and I cannot wait to see what happens next.
The Art: Costa does some great work with the art in this issue. There is a lot more action and character development within it and Costa is given the freedom to explore some interesting themes.