Radiant Black #3
Image Comics
Written by Kyle Higgins
Art by Marcelo Costa
Letters by Becca Carey
The Rundown: Nathan tries to get back to some semblance of a normal life as his supernatural life continues to call on him.

In order to find inspiration, Nathan decides to go back to one of his old stories. Unable to concentrate or find what he wants to say, he decides to pay Marshall a visit at the video store. When he finds his old friend, he discovers that Marshall is working on Nathan’s superhero persona and social media presence. Things guaranteed to bring him unwanted attention.
As contemplates his story, he finds more and more ways to distract himself, including helping some people in need. A task that requires an unusual solution. When inspiration finally comes, Nathan finds himself diving into a new story, but his life as Radiant Black threatens to get in the way.
The Story: The new issue of Radian Black is interesting in its minimalist approach. Higgins seems to be trying to balance the nature of the story with Nathan’s life as a writer and there are some interesting things within that writers would recognize including the self doubt, the self editing and the procrastination. There aren’t any really big moments to be had in the issue beyond a nightmare, but the plot definitely gets it point across to the reader.
The Art: Costa has a beautiful visual style and that comes across the detailed panels. While there isn’t much action to be had, the everyday beauty comes across in the visuals.