Public Domain #2
Image Comics
Written by Chip Zdarsky
Art by Chip Zdarsky
Colors by Chip Zdarsky
Letters by Chip Zdarsky
The Rundown: After the truth is revealed, the family must decide if it’s worth fighting for.

As the family sits around the dinner table, the truth starts to dawn on them that the biggest superhero movie franchise in the world is legally owned by the family patriarch. Miles wants his family to take action and fight for what he created, but his attitude surprises and angers some of them to the point where his wife leaves the table. That night, the couple have a conversation about everything they’ve gone through, what he’s missed and why he won’t fight.
The next day, Miles decides to pay a visit to the company that owns the characters in order to put them on notice that they need to make things right. After speaking with a lawyer, a decision is made. Unfortunately, that decision reveals that there is something else going on within the family and it has something to do with Miles.
The Story: Zdarsky continues to craft an engaging and personal story in this issue. The story is subtle and character driven which makes it more compelling and entertaining to the reader. You feel for and care about these characters in a way that makes the conflict they are about to engage in more interesting. I am definitely interested in seeing where the story goes next.
The Art: Zdarsky’s art is as subtle and personal as the story is. The story is absolutely character focused and their facial expressions and mannerisms definitely inform the emotional elements of the plot.