Profane #3

BOOM! Studios

Written by Peter Milligan

Art by Raul Fernandez

Colors by Giada Marchisio

Letters by Jeff Eckleberry

The Rundown: Profane continues to unravel the mystery of his creator’s death while danger gets closer.

Will Profane finds himself staring down the barrel of another gun being held by a beautiful woman and convinces her that his status as a fictional character means things in reality work differently. He gets an unexpected rescue from his sponsor and he decides to go looking for Lili.

After finding her home, the two are attacked by the femme fatale from the novels he lives in and barely escape. An act that makes Will change some things about his fictional life, but it might be too late.

The Story: Milligan continues to craft an entertaining mystery in this issue. The story is rich and compelling for the main character and I continue to love the detective noir style of the story. There are some great thrills throughout the story and some interesting moments of humor that I enjoyed. I love the progression of this series and look forward to seeing where this story goes next.

The Art: Fernandez delivers beautifully detailed, gritty and visually engrossing art throughout the issue. The imagery is wonderfully compelling and engaging.

Profane #3



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