Prodigy: Slaves of Mars #5
Dark Horse Comics
Written by Mark Millar
Art by Stefano Landini
Colors by Michele Assarasakorn
Letters by Clem Robins
The Rundown: Edison and Elijah have a tense family reunion on the red planet and discover a dark truth.

The Crane brothers find themselves on Mars and staring into the face of their recently deceased father. After revealing that their father’s body is being piloted by the AI he created to research the Mars problems he was working on, the boys reveal that they know the machine’s plan to turn the human race over to an alien species to act as slaves.
As Edison gives the machine a logic puzzle to solve, the personality of their father returns and the Crane men look for a way to stop the machine’s plans with the clock ticking down and an alien ship coming to retrieve its property.
The Story: Millar brings this chapter to an entertaining and thrilling conclusion with great reveals and tension that kept me engaged with each page and panel. I continue to be impressed with these characters, their journeys and the complicated nature of their world. There are so many great moments, great action and a conclusion that makes me excited for more adventures of Edison Crane.
The Art: Landini creates beautifully detailed art throughout the issue. I love the visual style of this issue and how it crafts the action and matches the tension and tone of the story.