Prodigy: Slaves of Mars #3

Dark Horse Comics

Written by Mark Millar

Art by Stefano Landini

Colors by Michele Assarasakorn

Letters by Clem Robins

The Rundown: The Crane brothers must stop the world’s most powerful man as their new enemy seems to be one step ahead of them.

Edison and his brother are on the run and continue to look for what their father was trying to say with the one clue they have. At the same time, they continue to work with what they have to create ways to protect and defend themselves. Unfortunately, their enemy has discovered where they are.

After confronting the brothers, Schroeder give them a new and deadly challenge. He has taken control of the President and is using him to launch a strike against China. Edison and Elijah must race the clock to stop a possible nuclear war as the mystery of their father and Mars continues to grow.

The Story: Millar constantly ramps up the stakes and thrills throughout this issue. There is awesome action and rising tension throughout the story. Millar crafts some great tension between the brothers and I continue to love getting more of the backstory of Edison. I continue to be impressed with the villain in this story and his tenacity. Millar is crafting a wonderful battle of wits between these characters and the mystery at the heart of this story continues to impress me.

The Art: Landini delivers awesome art throughout this issue. The visuals beautifully capture the intensity of the action and the suspense of the story.

Prodigy: Slaves of Mars #3



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