Predator #2
Marvel Comics
Written by Ed Brisson
Art by Kev Walker
Colors by Frank D’Armata
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: Theta’s rough landing and search for supplies will expose her to unknown dangers.

With her supplies dwindling and her ship in desperate need of parts and repairs, Theta crash lands on a snow covered planet in hopes of raiding a local facility for the parts she needs to continue her hunt. With a long walk ahead of her, she heads out into the snow and is forced to hunt for food along the way. After a tense and violent standoff with a pair of raiders, Theta finds herself in possession of a hover scooter that cuts her trip in half.
After arriving at the facility, she discovers quickly why no one is alive inside. Her investigation will take her to the security office where she looks through the cameras to determine what happened to the facility. Unfortunately, she will discover that whatever attacked the facility might not have left.
The Story: Brisson crafts an entertaining, tension filled story in this issue. Theta’s story continues to be compelling and interesting. Her obsession leads to some interesting dramatic choices for the character and I continue to be impressed with the character’s journey and personality. I really enjoyed the tension throughout the story and the cliffhanger at the end of the issue is perfectly executed.
The Art: Walker delivers gritty, brutal and beautifully detailed art in the issue. The atmosphere of the story and the darkness of it is brilliantly illustrated in the story.