Plush #4
Image Comics
Written by Doug Wagner
Art by Daniel Hillyard
Colors by Rico Renzi
Letters by Ed Dukeshire
The Rundown: Devin and Edie grow closer as danger threatens them both.

Devin continues on his strange journey with this new and strange family making some missteps along the way with Edie. Missteps that Bo tries to help him correct by showing him around their home and telling him more about their collective past. A past that will prompt him to clean himself up and try again with Edie.
At the same time, the sheriff has gathered some guys for some off the books hunting and they are taking no prisoners. As they approach the mansion, they see that Devin is getting close with Edie. When Devin realizes they are not alone, he tries to make a deal that will save some lives at the cost of his future.
The Story: Wagner continues to craft a strange, engaging and sometimes sweet story in this issue. The issue takes a break from the intense action and growing tension to develop the character relationships as well as their circumstances. I really enjoyed the moments with Devin and Edie and Devin’s decision towards the end of the issue shows some growth in the character that I hope pays off as the story moves forward. The issue does continue to deliver the weird and dark humor that made me read it in the first place and I’m excited to see where the story goes next.
The Art: Hillyard delivers some beautifully detailed art throughout the issue. The characters look great and there are some great panels that showcase the contrast between Devin’s group of new friends and the Sheriff.