Pennyworth #3
DC Comics
Written by Scott Bryan Wilson
Art by Juan Gedeon
Colors by John Rauch
Letters by AW’s DC Hopkins
The Rundown: In the past Alfred Pennyworth and Shirley Penrose continue their investigation. In the present, Alfred faces a threat.

Years ago, Alfred reminisces on his time in boarding school. During a break Alfred investigates Penrose to Shirley’s dismay.
In the more recent future, Alfred meets up with Shirley after discovering something important. The two then race to a containment unit to uncover valuable information. However, while Alfred gathers data, something unexpected occurs. Finally, Alfred must deal with a dangerous predicament.
Meanwhile, in the present, Alfred prepares to meet his captor and soon discovers the two have history. Alfred is also made aware of McDougal’s whereabouts.
The Story: I am really intrigued by this story. Wilson does an excellent job of exploring the Alfred’s history while delivering a quality spy thriller. Alfred’s tenuous relationship with Shirley is compelling. His “buddy-cop” relationship with his lover keeps the reader on their toes. I also find it interesting that all of Alfred’s youthful studies and hobbies were a predecessor to his later career. Overall, I really enjoy this series and I am excited to find out what happens next.
The Art: This good looking issue features a traditional illustration style. The detailed drawings are highlighted by a muted color palette that heavily features a blue tone. The mood is perfectly expressed during the various timelines and provides a deep visual engagement with the story.