Pearl #2

Dark Horse Comics

Written by Brian Michael Bendis

Art by Michael Gaydos

Colors by Michael Gaydos

Letters by Joshua Reed

The Rundown: After her shop is attacked, Pearl goes looking for the man responsible and no one will stand in her way.

After her shop is bombed and one of her allies killed, Pearl finds herself sitting in the hospital waiting for news about Rick. At the same time, he thinks about her past with her mother as Agent Outlaw peppers her with questions about the attack and why her partner was in the shop in the first place. Questions Pearl sidesteps because she knows exactly who is responsible.

After visiting with Rick, Pearl takes to the streets to get the information that she needs. She decides that she is going to find the man responsible for the attack. The man she saw flee the scene and she will not let anyone get in her way.

The Story: Bendis does a brilliant job of building the characters and world of this story. I love the flashback moments that showcase who Pearl was and how they inform on the person that she has become. Pearl has some great moments in the story that highlight how smart she is as well as how determined, skilled and brutal she can be when she goes after something. I am excited to see what happens next.

The Art: Gaydos delivers some beautifully stylish art on every page of the issue. Each panel and page has something to capture the reader’s eye and imagination.

Pearl #2



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