Paranoid Gardens #3

Dark Horse Comics

Written by Gerard Way and Shaun Simon

Art by Chris Weston

Colors by Dave Stewart

Letters by Nate Piekos

The Rundown: Loo confronts the fact that there is a file about her as things continue to get stranger at the facility.

There is something going wrong with the gardens outside of the facility. At the same time, Loo wants to know why there is a secret file on her in the office while the orderly responsible for the failed incursion into the facility worries about being caught.

Meanwhile, Loo confronts the person in charge about the file while people are her conspire to keep the truth from her as a strange delivery has everyone worried.

The Story: Way and Simon craft an intriguing and entertaining world filled with interesting characters and a story that keeps me engaged with every reveal. I love the strange, engaging world Way and Simon are creating and how every character moment leads to hundreds of questions I have about them as a reader. A constantly surprising and interesting story that makes me smile with how strange it continues to be.

The Art: Weston delivers some fantastic art throughout the issue. I love the strange characters and how they integrate into the world of this story.

Paranoid Gardens #3



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