Paranoid Gardens #2

Dark Horse Comics

Written by Gerard Way and Shaun Simon

Art by Chris Weston

Colors by Dave Stewart

Letters by Nate Piekos

The Rundown: Loo looks for answers while Dr. Zerc brings in some unknown elements.

Continuing to deal with her own shattered memories, Loo looks for answers to why one of the patients seemed to know who she is while Zerc orders that the man stay sedated. She decides to break into his office to find some answers and discovers a strange set of files hidden in his desk.

At the same time, Zerc discovers one of the employees has a secret. A secret he will exploit to bring in two unknown people who proceed to cause havoc that Zerc must take violent action to quell and hide.

The Story: Way and Simon continue to craft an intriguing and engaging world in this series and this issue slips in some interesting mysteries that got my attention. Not only do I want to know what Loo is looking for and her connection to the new patient. I want to know what Zerc wanted with the people he tried to bring in. I want to know why and how the hospital keeps certain people out. Every layer of the onion that is peeled back in this issue makes me excited to see what else Way and Simon have in store for the reader.

The Art: Weston delivers some great art in the issue. I really love the character designs and look forward to discovering who and what they are because so many are visually unique.

Paranoid Gardens #2



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