The third animated sequel to the 1997 Paul Veerhoven film Starship Troopers brings back two of the original cast for a CGI adventure that launches this fall.
As the war against the bugs continues, General Johnny Rico is ordered to an isolated base on the planet Mars as the Terran Federation begins planning an all out assault on the bug’s home planet. As Rico and his team make their way to the base, a bug invasion of the planet forces them into a fight for survival as they try and discover what or who betrayed them.
Starship Troopers: Traitor of Mars brings back Casper Van Dien providing the voice of Johnny Rico and Dina Meyer returning as Dizzy Flores. The film was written by Edward Neumeier, writer of the original film and its two direct to video sequels.
Starship Troopers: Traitor of Mars will launch in theaters August 21, 2017.
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