Another cast member from the original Star Wars trilogy is making the transition to a galaxy far far away with the news that original Boba Fett actor Jeremy Bulloch has died at the age of 75.

Daniel Logan, who played the young Boba Fett in the prequel film Attack of the Clones had grown close to Bulloch over the years and confirmed the actor died in England. He had nothing but praise for his Star Wars alum saying; “Jeremy was the one to teach me how to be a gentleman and interact with fans at conventions and show up be present,” Logan tells THR. “He was a true English gentleman.”

Bulloch played Boba Fett in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. While Bulloch played the physical role, the voice was provided originally by actor Jason Wingreen and subsequently redubbed by current Boba Fett actor Temuera Morrison. Bulloch did appear without the Boba Fett mask in the Star Wars universe playing an Imperial officer on Cloud City in Empire Strikes Back and again with a cameo in 2005’s Revenge of the Sith.
A statement from the family says that Bulloch had been battling Parkinson’s Disease for years and dies of health complications surrounded by his wife and two of his sons who were able to be there with him for his final days.