Once & Future #25
Boom! Studios
Written by Kieron Gillen
Art by Dan Mora
Colors by Tamra Bonvillain
Letters by Ed Dukeshire
The Rundown: Duncan and company enlist a powerful ally as the number of warring kings continues to grow.

In order to distract a pair of corrupt kings, Bridgette and Duncan decide to enlist the help of another legend, Robin Hood. Unfortunately, that also means becoming one of his merry men by facing off against a gigantic Little John. After passing the test, the group finds out the magical properties of Sherwood Forest as they are transported to the scene of the battle and discover there is another king fighting to claim the rule of the country.
Back at the castle, Bridgette’s daughter learns how her mother spoke about her in her absence as she tries to convince her mother’s friends that she is there to help. An injured Lancelot arrives and warns her of the danger they are facing as Duncan and company find themselves in another part of the country as the flow of time speeds up danger for one of them.
The Story: Gillen continues to craft a thrilling, fun and engaging story in this issue. The stakes continue to become more interesting with each issue and the interpersonal drama is wonderful. I continue to be enamored with the love of literature and folklore that permeate this series and there are so many great moments that make me want to dive back into my classic literature collection to refresh myself. I cannot wait to see where this story evolves and moves next.
The Art: Dan Mora delivers some fantastic art in this issue. The action is visually thrilling and the world of the series if filled with gorgeously detailed pages and panels.