Once & Future #21
Boom! Studios
Written by Kieron Gillen
Art by Dan Mora
Colors by Tamra Bonvillain
Letters by Ed Dukeshire
The Rundown: Duncan and company go looking for Rose’s family and find themselves conscripted by a knight who won’t take no for an answer.

Duncan, Rose and Bridgette have made their way to Bath in search of Rose’s family. As they make their way through the streets, they realize the threat they are facing when the statues of its victims surround them. They make their way to Rose’s parent’s building and the tension between Rose and Bridgette threatens to boil over, but is quickly quashed when Rose reveals something about her past.
After locating Rose’s parents, the group decides that they can’t stay in one place forever. Unfortunately, when they leave the safety of the building they find themselves facing a knight who wants Duncan to join his fight against Arthur. Bridgette decides to end the conversation early with a grenade and the group goes on the run with both the knight in pursuit and the gorgon hearing the noise. Bridgette decides the best way to escape is to pit them against each other and hope it’s enough of a distraction.
The Story: I continue to be blown away by the scope of this story and how well Gillen manages to make something big and epic without losing the human stories at the heart of it. The dialogue does a great job of making the reader fall in love with these characters and both their virtues and faults. The adventure continues to be thrilling and all of the situations the characters find them are fascinating reading. I cannot wait to see where this story goes next and the cliffhanger at the end of this issue tells me it is going to be somewhere exciting.
The Art: Dan Mora continues to establish himself as one of my favorite artists with panels that are filled with beautiful details and action that is both visually thrilling and engaging.