Once & Future #18
Boom! Studios
Written by Kieron Gillen
Art by Dan Mora
Colors by Tamra Bonvillain
Letters by Ed Dukeshire
The Rundown: With victory in hand, the hubris of man could spell the end for all.

Duncan and the other continue their pursuit of Galahad and the grail in order to stop him from resurrecting Arthur. With the speed and force of a dragon in their employ, they manage to slow him down, but it will take the intervention of one with a personal stake in the knight’s life to force Merlin to help Galahad survive his journey. Unfortunately, that means hugely changing the wizard’s plans and stopping the ascension of Arthur.
As Duncan. Brigette, Rose and the others work to free themselves from Otherworld, a new problem arises. When a powerful person brings what was in the shadows into the light, the result could be catastropic for all of Britain.
The Story: Gillen continues to masterfully expand the world of these characters and engage the reader with every twist and turn the story takes. The issue was action packed and filled with thrilling moments and tension throughout. Even after the end of the mission, Gillen keeps the thrills going by bringing the story to a beautifully brutal and exciting conclusion that makes me immediately want to see where the story goes next.
The Art: Dan Mora thrills with the art in this issue. Beautifully detailed and filled with action and energy, the art is a feast for the eyes with each panel.