Old Dog #2
Image Comics
Written by Declan Shalvey
Art by Declan Shalvey
Colors by Declan Shalvey
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: Jack is sent on a dangerous mission and seeks out an old friend.

Jack Lynch has been sent to an undisclosed location to watch over a valuable asset for Black Circle. An asset he has been tasked with keeping alive. After discovering that the man is in danger, Lunch leaps to his aid fighting off a group and extracting the man to safety. A move that will have an unexpected conclusion.
In the aftermath of the mission, Lunch goes to see an friend from the old days and brings him some info that he wants checked out. Information that will put his old colleague in danger and reveal a possible betrayal to Lynch.
The Story: An entertaining and gritty story from Shalvey. Lynch is an interesting and compelling character and the circumstances around him create a mystery that keeps me engaged. I love the moments of tension throughout the story and how the interpersonal relationship between Lynch and his daughter continues to be intense and intriguing.
The Art: Shalvey delivers some beautiful art in the issue. The composition of the panels and pages are beautiful and I love how the art matches the gritty tone of the story.