NYX #2

Marvel Comics

Written by Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly

Art by Francesco Mortarino

Colors by Raul Angulo

Letters by Joe Sabino

The Rundown: Laura goes alone to find out who’s exploiting young mutants.

Laura Kinney aka Wolverine is on a hunt through New York to discover who has been making mutants disappear. Things get strange when her latest hunt reveals that the mutant wants to go.

To find out why the mutants are voluntarily disappearing, Wolverine finds herself at a mutant club and finds another mutant who is coordinating the missing mutants. After proving that she can be trusted, Wolverine is brought to a familiar and dangerous person who has plans for the mutants. Plans that show that she might need help.

The Story: Lanzing and Kelly craft a wonderfully dark and compelling story in this issue. I love the mystery elements of this story and seeing Laura step into the role of an investigator. There is some great narration throughout the story as well and I got a sense of who the character is and how she feels. I really enjoyed the action in the story a lot and how it showcases how complicated the new world is and how difficult it will be for her to do things alone.

The Art: Mortarino delivers some fantastic art throughout the issue. I really enjoyed the visual style and how it handles both the characters and the action.

NYX #2



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