Nightwing #105
DC Comics
Written by Tom Tylor
Art by Bruno Redondo
Colors by Adriano Lucas
Letters by Wes Abbott
The Rundown: Nightwing and Batgirl swing into action after receiving a troubling call from Mayor Zucco.

Soon after being awakened by Barbara and Haley, Dick receives a frantic call from his sister. Batgirl and Nightwing then head out to stop a catastrophe. Next, a confrontation with an enemy leads to an offer of assistance. Later, the eldest members of the Bat family initiate a rescue attempt. Finally, Nightwing unknowingly meets a deadly enemy and strikes a deal.
The Story: The creative team, led by Tom Taylor, does an excellent job in setting up what appears to be a standalone tale. A perfect jumping in point for new or returning readers, this narrative reintroduces one of Nightwing’s fiercest opponents in a surprisingly muted manner. However, this quietness can be anxiety inducing for fans who are in the know. The last scenes of the issue were far more terrifying than the action packed adventure that frames the middle portion of the story. And that is precisely the point that Taylor is making. Personally, I am hoping this leads to a new arc involving the issue’s main villain. Either way, I really enjoyed this issue and am excited for the future of this ongoing series.
The Art: Bruno Redondo is a MADMAN! This rollicking first person perspective masterpiece of an issue is breathtaking. This is the second concept issue of this run, the first being the historic Issue #87, a one panel phenomenon that turned the comic world upside down. Redondo and Lucas clearly put there all into this magnum opus, which I believe is destined to become a top tier collectible. Also, I would be remiss if I did not mention Abbots excellent lettering choices and bubble usage to clearly demarcate voices.