Night of the Ghoul #6
Best Jackett Press
Written by Scott Snyder
Art by Francesco Francavilla
Colors by Francesco Francavilla
Letters by Andworld Design
The Rundown: Innman and Merrit race to watch the rest of the film, but will it hold the clue they need to stop the ghoul?

In the aftermath of their escape from the hospital, Innman and Merrit race to the studio in order to complete watching the last reel of Merrit’s film. As the film begins, Forest laments the fact that he is ignoring multiple calls from his son. At the same time, Orson and his mother are racing to the police station when the young man discovers something that could change all of their fates.
As the movie continues to play, Innman discovers the truth about what happened to Merrit during the fire that almost killed him. A truth that also reveals what happened to the Ghoul itself and what it wants. When Orson arrives with some unusual allies, the fight to end the threat of the Ghoul reaches its bloody, burning conclusion.
The Story: Snyder doesn’t hold back on the tension and terror as this arc comes to its conclusion. The dark, ominous tone of the story works perfectly as the dialogue heightens the tension of every moment. The plot has a great rise in tension that is punctuated by brilliantly executed reveals that are wonderfully surprising, but still in line with the story and the world of it. I cannot wait to see where this story goes next after this awesome ending.
The Art: Francavilla delivers some beautifully detailed and scary art throughout this issue. The art perfectly captures the tension of each moment and takes the reader on an emotional journey.