All New Wolverine #26
Marvel Comics
Written by Tom Taylor
Art by Juann Cabal
Colors by Nolan Woodward
Letters by VC’s Cory Petit
In an underground facility, two shadowy figures seem to delight in torturing Daken for information. To his credit, even with a missing arm, he continues to remain silent. At Laura’s Aunts house, everyone is gathering to confirm that the woman standing before them is indeed Sarah Kinney, her mother. Beast confirms that she is as Gabby continues to stare at all of them in wonder and joy at the thought of possibly being a family. As Hank and Warren leave, Laura and her family start to come to grips with the new circumstances that they find themselves in.
Daken manages to free himself by killing one of his captors and slipping into his uniform but he finds the world that he emerges into to be even more strange. He sees that Laura is being watched live and his presence alerts the other torturer who promptly sets her dogs on Daken. As the mutant runs, Laura and Sarah have a heart to heart about the only weapon capable of killing her and its current location. Laura decides to call in some help to have the weapon removed off world when she hears gunfire from up the street. Apparently, both mutants were closer than they thought.
This issue has all the hallmarks of an interesting mystery with layers that have yet to unfold. Taylor is setting up some dynamic tension between Laura and Daken and it will be a challenge to see how the two of them can work together to find out what is going on in this seemingly quiet street. Cabal’s art is really well done. I enjoyed the transitional panels between the darkness of Daken’s prison and the light he stumbles into. It looks like what’s coming in this series is going to be both tense and fun. The only negative I had with the issue is that it seemed to end abruptly. I would have liked to see more to get me more interested in what’s to come. At most, the issue left me curious, but not salivating to see what’s next.