Namor the Sub-Mariner #2
Marvel Comics
Written by Christopher Cantwell
Art by Pasqual Ferry
Colors by Matt Hollingsworth
Letters by Joe Caramagna
The Rundown: Namor and Luke Cage investigate a possible power source for humanity while a bigger threat grows.

Namor sees what might be an old friend in the sky, but his age makes taking to the sky harder than it used to be. After returning to Steve and Luke, the three of them determine that their might be a way to use the original Human Torch’s power to help the last of humanity. Namor decides to team up with Luke Cage to take a trip that might gain them the knowledge that they need.
The pair travel to the submerged Baxter Building and use its resources to try to get information about the Torch and his powers, At the same time, Namor recalls his last conversation with Susan. Suddenly, he and Luke are attacked by Machine Man who has a message for them. A message that reveals a new threat to both Atlantis and humanity.
The Story: Cantwell delivers an entertaining and engaging story in this issue. I continue to enjoy seeing Namor evolve and change as well as contemplate both his decisions and relationships with others. I love seeing the limitations an older Namor is dealing with and I cannot wait to see what happens in the next episode based on where they have to go next.
The Art: Ferry delivers some beautiful art in the issue. The imagery is bold and manages to give a sense of space and environment even with most of the planet covered in water.