Murder Kingdom #1

Mad Cave Studios

Written by Fred Van Lente

Art by Chris Panda

Colors by Chris Panda

Letters by Becca Carey

The Rundown: Tanith becomes the newest character in a popular theme park and finds out just how dangerous that can be.

Tanith Leigh is a ride operator for a fairy tale theme park getting ready to clock out for her last day when an unfortunate incident with the ashes of a guest’s family member sends her back into the underground world of the park to clean herself up. On her way to the showers, she discovers that one of the princesses had a meltdown in front of the guests and one of her co-workers seems to be starting a union.

After cleaning herself up, Tanith is approached by one of the leaders of the park who notices her looks and decides that she is going to take over the role of Briar Rose from the former employee. A role she takes almost reluctantly. After spending her first day in the park as a fairy princess she discovers the murdered remains of her predecessor.  

The Story: Van Lente crafts an entertaining and interesting story in this first issue. I became immersed in the world of the story, the politics of the park and Tanith as a character. I was impressed with the tone of the story and the progression of Tanith’s unexpected promotion. Everything works for a great first issue and the story builds to an awesome reveal that makes me excited to explore this world and see what happens next.

The Art: Panda delivers beautifully detailed and visually immersive art throughout the issue. I love the character designs and the world created in this first issue as well as how beautifully dark some of the imagery gets.

Murder Kingdom #1



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