Ms. Marvel
Disney Plus
Season 1 Episode 6
No Normal
Back in Jersey, Kamala fights to save her friends from the clutches of Damage Control.

Damage Control is on the hunt and Bruno and Kamran are on the run. Unfortunately, Kamran’s inexperience with his new powers is making it hard for them to hide. At the same time, Kamal comes clean to the rest of her family about her powers. Unfortunately, with family, secrets don’t stay hidden for long and the scene that follows is both sweet and hilarious with her family. It is pitch perfect in tone and emotion. It also leads to a sweet scene between Kamala and her mother.

Kamala goes looking for Bruno and Kamran and the tension builds beautifully as Damage Control heads to the mosque. There is another great moment that showcases the community and works really well to dispel some lingering issues. There’s some great chase moments as well and things get both intense and fun as Kamala and her friends find themselves trapped in the high school. This leads to a fun montage that brings back the unique visual style that I love about this series.

Kamala and Kamran find themselves facing off against Damage Control as their plan begins and the chase through the school offers some light, fun moments for the audience before getting into more intense ones between Kamala and Kamran. Especially when Kamran learns the truth and the two find themselves at odds. A clash that will take the fight outside and into one of the most intense moments of the series not only for Kamala, but also for the characters watching the action.

There is a great action scene that follows where we get to see Kamala use her powers in a way she hasn’t before and fans of the character will find instantly recognizable. It’s a beautifully shot moment that is both fun, intense and emotional. It also showcases how important and supportive community can be. The aftermath also shows Kamala come into her own as a hero and there is an awesome moment between Kamala and Bruno that is an awesome preview of what’s to come from Marvel Studios about an unexpected franchise.

The finale of Ms. Marvel deliver some great action, adventure and heart throughout. The style of the episode was impressive and had a sense of fun that I enjoyed a lot. It also does a great job of showing the beauty of Kamala’s community and how it is an integral part of who she is. The story has some great character moments throughout and ends with a hopeful message that makes me want to see more of this character. Also, there is an awesome mid credit scene that perfectly and humorously sets up Kamala’s next adventure in the MCU.