Mortal Terror #1
Dark Horse Comics
Written by Christopher Golden and Tim Lebbon
Art by Peter Bergting
Colors by Chris O’Halloran
Letters by Clem Robins
The Rundown: A society of immortals fighting a secret war must find a way to convince their king of a bigger threat.

Jonathan Harker finds himself on a train to deliver sensitive materials when it is attacked. Barely escaping the massacre, he returns to London as Commander Quincy and his troops find themselves in a battle for their lives against powerful forces.
As Quincy and his team barely escape back to the city, Jonathan and others try to get the government to take the threat they face seriously. A threat that no one wants to bring to the king even though it is growing and moving closer to them.
The Story: I absolutely love this interesting twist on the Dracula story and the use of the familiar characters within that book to create this new and intriguing world. I love the twist in the story as well and wouldn’t dream of spoiling it in this review because I want everyone to pick up a copy and read for themselves. I look forward to seeing how many more twists and turns are in store for this world as well as exploring more of it.
The Art: Bergting delivers some beautiful art in the issue. The visuals are dynamic, brilliantly detailed and filled with amazing action and thrills.