Moon Knight: City of the Dead #5
Marvel Comics
Written by David Pepose
Art by Marcelo Ferreira
Inks by Jay Leisten
Colors by Rachelle Rosenberg
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: Marc makes one final push to save the city of the dead.

Marc and Layla find themselves facing off against Randall and the dead villains he’s gathered to take the power of Osiris. Knowing he’ll need more help to give him time to return the boy Khalil to the temple and release the spirit of the god inside him. Marc decides that his alters hold the key to fighting back.
With the power of the city seeping into the real world, Marc, Layla and his small army must fight to get to the temple. A fight that will require more than one sacrifice in order to end this conflict and save two worlds.
The Story: Pepose brings this story to a satisfying and thrilling conclusion. There are some great, thought-provoking moments throughout the issue that give great insight into the character for those new to Moon Knight’s story. I really enjoyed the conflict in the story as well as how it ends. A great story for fans of the character and an entertaining read for those just getting into his story.
The Art: Ferreira delivers some dynamic and visually thrilling art throughout the issue. The action is amazing and there are some brutal and beautifully detailed moments throughout the issue.