Moon Knight: City of the Dead #3
Marvel Comics
Written by David Pepose
Art by Sean Damien Hill
Inks by Jay Leisten
Colors by Rachelle Rosenberg
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: Marc and Layla discover the truth about the child they’re trying to rescue.

Marc is in the clutches of the people he personally sent to the City of the Dead and gets a well-timed assistance from Layla. After the pair get some answers about the location of Khalil, they get to work going after Marc’s enemies.
Unfortunately, Marc’s brother returns after they discover exactly why Khalil is so important to his plans and to escape an even bigger threat, Marc will have to make the ultimate sacrifice.
The Story: Pepose crafts a thrilling, exciting and thoroughly entertaining ride in this issue. The action is fantastic and the story has some great suspense and tension throughout. I enjoyed the dynamic between Marc and Layla as well as the reveals throughout the story. The issue ends with some fantastic action and I really look forward to seeing what happens next.
The Art: Hill has a unique and interesting art style and it works for the blistering action of the story.