Moon Knight City of the Dead #2
Marvel Comics
Written by David Pepose
Art by Marcelo Ferreira
Inks by Jay Leisten
Colors by Rachelle Rosenberg
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: Marc and Layla get closer to the truth, but Marc’s enemies in the afterlife are waiting.

The boy Marc came to the city of the dead to find has no doubt that Moon Knight will come for him. Marc and Layla infiltrate a local club and demand answers from the powerful Ramses. Even after taking on his bodyguards, Moon Knight must convince the dead soul to cooperate.
After following another guard and discovering why Ramses and others have been able to keep themselves from being judged, Marc and Layla attempt to rescue the children that have been trapped. When dead adversaries of Moon Knight arrive, the ensuing battle will lead to betrayal and a deadly revelation.
The Story: There’s a wonderfully dark and ominous tone to this story and Pepose delivers some great moments and depth to Marc within it. The story is filled with emotional moments for the character and an evolving narrative that drew me in and connected with me as a fan of both the character and his adventures. I liked the dark turn the story takes and what it means for Marc going forward.
The Art: Ferreira deliver some great art in the issue. The action is visually thrilling throughout and I love the visual style of the city of the dead and how it is both inviting and visually dangerous.