Moon Knight #24
Marvel Comics
Written by Jed MacKay
Art by Federico Sabbatini
Colors by Rachelle Rosenberg
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: Moon Knight finds himself in a revolving door of dreams giving him everything he wants.

Moon Knight finds himself in a series of dreams that quickly turn into nightmares as his enemy gives him everything he has ever wanted including a life with loving parents, a wife and child. Knowing that everything is a lie, he fights against the dreams to find Morpheus and wake the sleeping victims in the building.
Unfortunately, his dreams do not end with Marc as Moon Knight finds himself in the dreams of both Jake and Stephen and the lives they both wish that they had. As Marc gets closer to his goal, the dreams get more intense and Moon Knight will discover the name behind the recent attacks on himself and his friends.
The Story: MacKay delivers a thrilling, dark and intense story in this issue. The action is fantastic and the story serves as a great way for fans of the character as well as new readers to learn more about Marc, his alters and their lives. The story still manages to have a level of fun as well and I continue to be impressed with the direction Marc’s story is taking and the series as a whole.
The Art: Sabbatini delivers some great art in the issue. The action is fantastic and I love the self-contained environment of the story as well as the intricate visuals of the dream sequences.