Moon Knight #14

Marvel Comics

Written by Jed MacKay

Art by Alessandro Capuccio

Colors by Rachelle Rosenberg

Letters by Cory Petit

The Rundown: Marc confronts new threats as well as his own secrets.

Marc has been spending a lot of time dealing with the aftermath of his service to Khonshu with his therapist, but the one thing he hasn’t talked about is Steven Grant or Jake Lockley. Unfortunately, his other personalities decide it’s time to have a conversation and Marc is forced to deal with some issues that he has been suppressing almost as hard as the two of them.

As the three distinct personalities debate the reality of their situation and the secrets Marc has been keeping from those close to him, Moon Knight finds himself in the middle of a battle between two highly skilled killers. A battle whose outcome could be linked to the limits Marc has put on himself.

The Story: MacKay crafts an engaging and compelling psychology drama within a thrilling story about a battle Moon Knight is having against some formidable opponents. The story is incredibly interesting and entertaining for how it contrasts both struggles Marc is going through. The story has a very personal feel that works with the bigger themes the arc is exploring.

The Art: Capuccio delivers some beautifully detailed art with a wonderful art style. The art brilliantly distinguishes the psychological elements of the story from the brutal action.

Moon Knight #14



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