Moon Knight #11
Marvel Comics
Written by Jed MacKay
Art by Alessandro Cappuccio
Colors by Rachelle Rosenberg
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: Moon Knight goes on the hunt for his missing doctor, but Zodiac has a bigger plan in motion.

After getting the information that he needs, Marc and the others prepare to take on Jigsaw and rescue Dr. Sterman. After breaking into the warehouse she’s being kept in, the team proceeds to take everyone out before finishing their business with the mobster. Unfortunately, their victory is short lived.
After getting a call from Zodiac, Moon Knight realizes that he will not be able to make it back to the Mission in time to save Reese. With time running out and his options limited, Marc will have to turn to someone unexpected to get what he needs. Someone whose help comes with a price.
The Story: A great, action packed and tension filled story that draws you in with every pulse pounding moment. MacKay does a great job of making Zodiac a formidable foe for Marc and the plot brilliantly paints Marc into a corner that forces him to face something he dreads. It’s a great story that is filled with great action, thrills and an awesome cliffhanger that makes me want more.
The Art: Cappuccio delivers some beautifully detailed and visually exciting art throughout the issue. The visual style is perfect for the action beats and the character moments are stunning.