Monsters Are My Business #4

Dark Horse Comics

Written by Cullen Bunn

Art by Patrick Piazzalunga

Colors by Marco Brakko

Letters by Jim Campbell

The Rundown: Griz and his team find themselves facing an eldritch horror and a difficult choice.

Griz and the others find themselves facing off against a terrifying entity that their new friend is a part of. An entity that tells them of the end of the world and Griz decides to make a deal with the entity. Unfortunately, their conversation breaks down and Griz is forced to make a desperate choice if he’s going to save them all.

With his demon ex-girlfriend breathing down their collective necks, Griz makes a desperate play to get her and her gang off their backs. A move that will have some unexpected consequences.

The Story: Bunn crafts a fun and funny adventure in this issue. This group of characters continues to be fun to learn about and see interact, but I want to see more of the world they inhabit. There are times when I like the smaller nature of the story and others where I want to see the bigger stakes at play. Hopefully the next outing for these characters will expand on their world and the complications within it.

The Art: Piazzalunga delivers some great art throughout the issue. I love the comedic style of the art in the issue.

Monsters Are My Business #4



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