Monsters Are My Business #3

Dark Horse Comics

Written by Cullen Bunn

Art by Patrick Piazzalunga

Colors by Marco Brakko

Letters by Jim Campbell

The Rundown: Griz and his team find themselves facing a demon gang to protect their new bounty.

After rescuing a skittish, sentient servant of an elder god, Griz and his friends find their business surrounded by Griz’s ex-girlfriend who happens to be the demonic leader of a demon gang. After giving him one option to deliver the quarry back to her, his refusal causes an open attack on the building that Griz and the others will have to fight to escape.

After narrowly escaping from the demon gang, Griz bring everyone to a safehouse where he looks for answers from the government agent who hired him. As things get more tense, he turns to Hillary to seek help from a dangerous and supernatural source.

The Story: Bunn crafts a fun story in this issue. There are some great character moments and I continue to enjoy the comedic elements of this plot. It’s an interesting and intriguing world for the reader to explore. While the story is constantly enjoyable, it does feel limiting at times and there are moments when things tend to happen too fast for a reader to absorb. Despite those things, I continue to find myself engaged with this story and the world it’s creating.

The Art: Patrick Piazzalunga delivers some fantastic art throughout the issue. I love that the visual style matches the comedic tone of the story through its over-the-top action and characters.

Monsters Are My Business #3



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