Monsters Are My Business #2
Dark Horse Comics
Written by Cullen Bunn
Art by Patrick Piazzalunga
Colors by Marco Brakko
Letters by Jim Campbell
The Rundown: Griz tries to escape with a dangerous cargo that will bring him some unwanted attention.

Griz and Cuddles manage to find the strange creature that was being held by the Howling Gargoyles gang. After trying to escape the acid swamp, the three of them are attacked by a creature from beneath the waves. A creature that wants what they are trying to escape with.
Griz barely escapes and brings the creature back to his place where it tells him and Hillary what it is and how it is somehow different than the others. A revelation that will bring Jenkin to the bar to tell them what the government wants the creature for. Unfortunately, he’s not the only one to arrive when the leader of the gang shows up with her men and demands her quarry be returned.
The Story: Bunn delivers a taut, fun and entertaining story in this follow up issue. The story continues the wild and funny momentum created in the first issue while also ramping up the action and thrills. The story has a wonderful light feel given the dark nature of the world it exists in and I love the lighter tone to its characters and horror elements. A fun, exciting ride that continues to build its wonderfully strange and unique world.
The Art: Patrick Piazzalunga offers some fantastic art in this issue. I continue to love the visual contrast between certain characters and elements of the world. Seeing Griz behind the wheel of his tiny car continues to make me laugh.