Miles Morales: Spider-Man #38
Marvel Comics
Written by Saladin Ahmed
Art by Christopher Allen and Alberto Foche
Inks by Oren Junior, Jose Marzan Jr and Alberto Foche
Colors by Brian Reber
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: Miles and Shift find themselves in an alternate world ruled by Miles’ deadliest clone.

Miles discovers that his clone Selim is in control of Brooklyn and has become a dictator. Something that is evident when he and Shift stop some powerful enemies and get the attention of a grown up Billie who takes them to see their leader, Ganke. His old friend immediately recognizes him and tells him how they plan to stop Selim.
After discovering where Selim has been keeping whatever is keeping him alive and young, Miles and the others break in not only to discover some powerful resistance, but also the fate of one of Miles’ closest allies.
The Story: Ahmed crafts an entertaining story that doesn’t waste a lot of time on fluff before getting to the meat of the story. I liked seeing Miles and adult Ganke interact and Miles keeping his identity from Billie is a great dramatic touch. The action is great and lively and brilliantly bring the drama and tension to a head when the story makes it huge reveal at the end.
The Art: All of the artists deliver some great visual flair to every page. The style is perfect for both the character interactions and the action.