Miles Morales: Spider-Man #33
Marvel Comics
Written by Saladin Ahmed
Art by Michele Bandini
Colors by Erick Arciniega
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: Miles and Shift attempt to track down an enemy and discover a bigger conspiracy.

Miles and Genke discuss the Beyond Corporations attempts to get him to change his name and how they delivered their papers to him. After discussing the new Spider-Man, Miles shows his friend the tech from the recent villain they fought and who it might be connected to, the Assessor. With Miles’ history with the villain, he is primed to face him again and bring him down for good. After getting more evidence, Miles go to see his last surviving clone to check on him.
The two decide to track down the Assessor together and head out to Staten Island. The two run into resistance as they hunt down their prey and discover that the building they’re attempting to infiltrate has more than a few secrets of its own. Secrets that could connect to something even bigger for Miles.
The Story: Ahmed crafts an entertaining story in this issue. Miles’ issues with the Beyond Corporation are interesting and his new responsibilities are both entertaining and poignant as he attempts to guide Shift while also still growing himself. I would like to see Miles get back to more stories centered on him as an individual, but his connection to the bigger Beyond Corporation arc is well done.
The Art: Bandini delivers some great art in this issue. The characters are expressive and the action is thrilling is fun.