Miles Morales: Spider-Man #31
Marvel Comics
Written by Saladin Ahmed
Art by Christopher Allen
Colors by GURU-eFX
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: Miles’ search for a personal life will be interrupted by a professional killer.

Miles and Starling are spending some time together before they are supposed to be going to a movie. Unfortunately, their romantic rendezvous will be interrupted by Miles sensing danger. Danger in the form of a barrage of arrows coming from Taskmaster. After Miles is injured, Starling tries to fly him to safety, but Taskmaster is relentless in his pursuit. The pair are driven onto a roof where Taskmaster finally reveals himself, but will not disclose who hired him.
After the three fight it out on the rooftops, Miles thinks he has the upper hand. Unfortunately, he discovers quickly that Taskmaster has backup and that Miles was not the target in the first place.
The Story: Ahmed crafts a fun, entertaining and thrilling ride for the characters in this issue. Miles and Starling have a cute relationship and the moments between them are engaging. The action is great and although I picked up on the twist relatively quickly, the story was engaging enough that I was engrossed in it from start to finish.
The Art: Allen delivers some great art throughout the issue. The characters are beautifully detailed and the action was brilliant and filled with energy.