Miles Morales: Spider-Man #30
Marvel Comics
Written by Saladin Ahmed
Art by Carmen Carnero
Colors by Erick Arciniega
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: Miles’ life is taking a positive step forward, but the demands of being Spider-Man might end his good day quickly.

Things are starting to look up for Miles in the aftermath of his clone saga and a brand new suit is helping him feel great. A feeling that goes away quickly when a Mandroid begins attacking the neighborhood. After taking the thing out with a well placed venom blast, he removes the operator and quickly discovers that something even worse is going on, that he’s an internet conspiracy theorist. As he continues on his way, he finds another spot of trouble that needs handling and proceeds to look all over the city for a lost pet for a couple of kids. He finally makes it to his date, but neither one of of them knows that they are being targeted by someone sinister.
In another story, Miles is settling into his life as Spider-Man and the fame that comes with it as he finds himself hosting a sketch comedy show. Even after taking on Vulture and the reality of New York, Miles continues to keep his positive attitude and personality as he sees how his presence affects those around him.
The Story: Ahmed does a great job presenting a “day in the life” style story for Miles that has some darker and ominous tones to it at the end. The story is rich, fun and entertaining. I look forward to seeing where this story goes next and how it evolves. The second story is a great Spider-Verse based short that the writers of the film get right with both the fun and pacing.
The Art: Carnero delivers some dazzling visuals throughout the story. The characters look amazing and the action is both fun and thrilling. A great looking issue from start to finish.