Miles Morales: Spider-Man #10
Marvel Comics
Written by Cody Ziglar
Art by Partha Pratim and Federico Sabbatini
Colors by Bryan Valenza
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: Miles’ Saturday takes some interesting twists and turns.

It’s a lazy Saturday for Miles Morales and the first order of business is a much-needed therapy session with Doc Sampson to determine what’s going on with his spider-sense. After getting some good advice, Miles finds himself being confronted by Hightail on orders from Agent Gao.
After a rough confrontation between the pair, Miles finds himself confronted by a familiar face that needs some help with a dark and dangerous mission.
The Story: An entertaining story from Ziglar, but it doesn’t have much bite to it (no pun intended). Sometimes a ‘day in the life’ style story can connect the reader with the character more, but this one didn’t really do that beyond a few moments. Miles’ therapy session was interesting and engaging and the end was a fun treat. Everything with Hightail felt like a waste of time that I knew wouldn’t really go anywhere.
The Art: Pratim and Sabbatini deliver great art in the issue and there is a fun and lively visual vibe to the issue.