This December, Dark Horse Books presents Four Gathered on Christmas Eve, four stories from four renowned comics creators: Eric Powell (The GoonDid you Hear What Eddie Gein Done?), Mike Mignola (Hellboy), Becky Cloonan ( The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys, By Chance or Providence), and James Harren (B.P.R.D., Ultramega). Powell will be illustrating his story and James Harren’s with the rest of the writers also illustrating their own stories. Eric Powell and Dave Stewart will be coloring the anthology with letters by Richard Starkings.

Four beloved comics storytellers come together to continue the Victorian tradition of sharing ghost stories on Christmas Eve. They will spin tales of the bizarre and terrifying to keep readers company on a cold Yule night. This is a unique approach to the ghost story format where the creators themselves become part of the story, presented in a deluxe hardcover designed by the award-winning Phil Balsman. 

“As someone who unapologetically loves Christmas and spooky stories, I’ve always been intrigued that telling ghost stories used to be a regular part of the tradition,” said Eric Powell. “I’ve been kicking around the idea of doing a Victorian Christmas Ghost book for a while and was thrilled when three of my favorite comic creators agreed to join me.”

Four Gathered on Christmas Eve (72 pages, 6.25 x 9.25”) arrives in bookstores December 12, 2023 and into comic shops December 13, 2023. 

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